
"One of the secrets of the durability of this wood is that these trees produce chemicals within them that protect the trunk from attack by fungi and insects. Thanks to these protections, these noble species can last hundreds of years and serve a variety of applications, from domestic construction to the development of musical and sporting instruments, to the manufacture of extremely robust furniture, given their mechanical / physical characteristics. Moreover, some species are open to various external applications (building, naval constructions, swimming pool decks etc.) thanks precisely to their phenomenal resistance to atmospheric and marine agents. "

Angelim pedra
(  Dinizia excelsa )

Average Dried Weight:  67 lbs/ft 3  (1070 kg/m 3 )
Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC):  0.79, 1.07
Janka Hardness:  3,160 lb f  (14,050 N)
Modulus of Rupture:  22,550 lb f /in 2  (156 MPa)
Elastic Modulus:  2,811,000 lb f /in 2  (19.39 GPa)
Crushing Strength:  12,450 lb f /in 2  (85.9 MPa)
Shrinkage:  Radial: 5.4%, Tangential: 8.8%,
Volumetric: 14.3%, T/R Ratio: 1.6
Identification  |   More images
Color/Appearance:  Heartwood is reddish brown, sometimes with
colored streaks; slightly paler sapwood isn’t always clearly demarcated
from the heartwood. Freshly sawn surfaces can have a lighter olive hue,
with color darkening to a deeper reddish brown with age.
Grain/Texture:  Grain is usually interlocked, with a uniform, medium-
coarse texture. Moderate natural luster.
Rot Resistance:  Rated as durable to very durable, with good resistance
to insect attack.
Workability:  Considered to be difficult to work on account of its density
and irregular grain. The wood also has a high cutting resistance with a
pronounced blunting effect on cutters.
Common Uses: Heavy construction (exterior applications), flooring,
decking, boatbuilding, docks, and other applications where its strength
and rot resistance can be utilized.
useful info’s :  Angelim is yet another example of a very strong and
dense tropical hardwood coming from South America. Like most of these
hard tropical exotics, it can be a challenge to work, but its durability may
be justification to bear with such an uncooperative wood. Additionally, it
has quite an offensive odor while it is being worked — and the scent is
present both in the green wood and in dried wood.


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